About Us

What is  Marketplace?

The Cubework  Marketplace is an online platform to liquidate or sell your excess inventory. Once we review the information you provide to us about your
merchandise, our account representatives will propose the most efficient way to help you sell your items. In general, the Cubework Marketplace is more suited
to vendors or businesses who are sitting on excess merchandise that they have tried to clear using their own channels and resources but can no longer sell and
are ready to liquidate.

How can I buy from the Marketplace?

Step 1: Register Registering as a buyer on the Cubework Marketplace is free and easy. Simply to start the registration process.
We value the integrity of your data and the information you provide will be verified. If we need additional information, our support team will contact
you. Within 72 hours of being verified you will receive a response confirming your membership.
If you have questions about our registration or verification process, you may contact us by clicking .

Step 2: Find Merchandise Browse our site by performing a basic keyword search from the search bar on every page.

Step 3: Purchase Provided your registration has been verified, you may start purchasing once you receive a confirmation email. Simply contact the Vendor
on the product detail page you wish to purchase and start a direct chat.

Step 4: Payment Depending on the volume you wish to purchase based on available stock. you may discuss a final price, payment and pickup/shipping
options with your Vendor.

Step 5: Manage Your Account Visit the profile section to view your chat history, change your profile, and much more!

Note: Users who have not registered with the Cubework Marketplace must register before being able to buy or sell.